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ICRD 2019

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ICRD 2019, 6-7 August, Semarang, Indonesia

Welcome to the 4th International Conference on Regional Development (ICRD) “Rural Development in Urban Age: Do Rural-Urban Linkages Matter?”. With the successful story of the previous conferences, the upcoming 4th ICRD will be held on 6th – 7th August 2019 in Semarang, the capital city of Central Java Province, Indonesia. The conference will be hosted by Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University in collaboration with Regional Planning and Development Board (BAPPEDA) of Central Java Province.

For the past decade our present knowledge resulted from studies and research on rural and regional development has developed rapidly. Rural development in the urban age has become a major issue in the regional development, both locally and globally. The rapid development of urban and rural areas due to urbanization has tremendous implications for the development of urban and rural assets and infrastructures, as well as the declining of agricultural land. UN-Habitat’s data in 2014 revealed that 54% of the world's population lives in urban areas and is predicted to increase by 66% in 2050. Most rural populations depend on urban centers for access to resources such as education, health, livelihoods and government services, whereas urban residents rely on rural areas as providers and suppliers of crops and other agricultural products. This condition explains that rural and urban areas are interconected and they do have interaction. Both has become important components of production system and livelihood.

Efforts in actualizing robust, reliable and credible ready-to-use knowledge have been encountering many obstacles emanating from social, economic, political and institutional factors. A plenty of conceptual and operational frameworks has been available from relentless works of inter-disciplinary experts in understanding relational dynamics of the knowledge and adaptive policies, which are relatively unstable and unpredictable. This conference, in particular, attempt to gather the latest concepts, frameworks and empirical practices to bridge the understanding of theory/concepts in rural and urban development practices. Thus, it would be beneficial for a broad range of stakeholders from academics, practitioners, decision-makers, urban and environment experts, social activists, policy advocates, non-governmental organizations and students.

ICRD welcomes submission of papers in all area of regional development which related to urban and regional development. We are looking forward to see you in the conference and experience Semarang City.

Participants are cordially invited to take a part on –but not limited to- the following sub-themes :

Participants are cordially invited to take a part on –but not limited to- the following sub-themes :
  • Peri Urban Development;

  • Agricultural Development;

  • Rural and Regional Governance;

  • Food Security;

  • Land Management;

  • Livelihood;

  • Rural Development Finance;

  • Rural Infrastructure; and

  • Rural Resilience.


All participants must register for the conference. All participants are authors and participants who get invitation from organizing committee. Registration opens from 25th January to 15th July 2019 . Authors only use one account registration for each submission. Please use an email from the affiliation (ac.id/go.id). Registration are free for all participants. Fee will be charged for selected paper only. Paper submission process will be managed by using Konfrenzi. Go to Registration :
a.   Desktop Version : http://icrd2019.confcentral.org/kfz/
b.   Mobile Version : http://icrd2019.confcentral.org/kfz/kfz-page/home.php


Maximilian Spiegelberg, Ph.D

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan

Dr. sc. agr. Iwan Rudiarto

Universitas Diponegoro Indonesia

Prof. Lee Young Sung

Urban & Regional Economics LAB.
Seoul National University, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, South Korea

Dr. Christine Cabasset

IRASEC - French Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia, Bangkok

Important Dates

Abstract submission open :   25 January 2019
Abstract submission due :   15 March 2019
Abstract acceptance notification :   31 March 2019
Full paper submission due :   20 May 2019
Full paper acceptance :   20 June 2019
Registration for selected paper :   21 June – 10 July 2019
Paper presenter registration due :   15 July 2019
Non presenter registration due :   15 July 2019
Conference date :   6 - 7 August 2019

Conference Secretariat

Laboratory of Regional Development and Environmental Management (LAREDEM), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University

  • Jalan Prof. H. Soedharto, SH, Tembalang,
    Semarang 50275 Central Java Province, INDONESIA
  • Phone/Fax
    (+62-24) 76480856 (working hours)
  • email: icrd@pwk.undip.ac.id
    Contact Person: icrd@pwk.undip.ac.id [Dr. Artiningsih and Zahra Nur H.]

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