1.   Parallel Sessions
- Equipment -
Computer (MS Windows environment), in-focus/projector and also pointer will be available in each room for presentations. Please use either PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) for presentations. Presenters are requested to bring their presentation on a USB disk. Connecting personal laptops is discouraged to avoid excessive loss of time. There will be also a parallel room assistant that will help you during your sessions.
- Duration -
Each parallel session for paper presentations will present 4 papers in total 2 hours. For each paper there will be 30 minutes max (15-20 minutes of presentation, 10-15 minutes for questions and answer from the floor).
- Chairs -
Chairs are expected to come to the room 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. His/her role is to introduce the sessions and the presenters; to guide the discussion; and to make sure that the time is divided equally over the papers to be presented and discusses. Although some exceptions may occur, the chair will be usually the same person as the presenter of the last paper in the session. In case the scheduled chair does not attend, the general rule is that presenter of the session's actual last paper is expected to take the role of chair.
2.   Youth Competition
Youth Competition is a special session that will be held on the 4th International Conference on Regional Development. This session welcomes students (high school and college) to participate and contest their idea, concept and experience about rural and urban development to promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Student who is interested in exploring and developing any innovation for promoting SDGs can participate in the competition. Participant must be an active student in any major shown by student card or any legalized letter that may prove the student status. To participate in the competition, participant must submit a poster and video relating to competition’s theme. Participant who gets the best poster/video will be awarded with the prize.
4.   Field Trip
The second day provides a field trip for participants to experience the rural development in Central Java Province.
Laboratory of Regional Development and Environmental Management (LAREDEM), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University